How to identify a gap in research
Before starting research, the first and essential thing for essay writer is to choose the untouched area where no research has been done, or little research has been done. For publication, it is necessary to have uniqueness or novelty in your research paper. It is a difficult task to decide your research area. Professional researchers are well aware of areas that need more research because they keep doing research, but new researchers find it very challenging. To find a good area for research, it is an excellent option to find a gap in already researched literature.
When we read some content or research papers, we usually think of areas that need further research to know their integrity and usefulness. Still, no one has tapped into that area in their researches. The gap is the unexplored area that was not covered in the literature. A gap can be anything, population, sample size, location, research method, variables, etc. The research gap is the most confusing and difficult step when write my essay for me which students face. Many professional content writers are available who offer their services; it is an excellent option to take their help and ask them to write my paper. This way, you can overcome the challenges and get a non-plagiarized, quality content paper quickly. However, the difficulty might be because enough information regarding the research gap is not provided to students. Due to insufficient knowledge, students sometimes select wrong or useless gaps. This problem can be solved if appropriate information and knowledge will be provided to students regarding the research gap and how they can find it with easy tips and tricks.
To identify the gap in the literature, your first step is a detailed review of the literature. A thorough search of journal articles related to your required topic is an essential part. Try to find spaces between articles that you think can be included in future research. It would help if you collected as many articles as possible related to your topic; these articles can be of different methods such as qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method. Although finding and reading huge content is difficult for a fresher, for your ease, you can take help from an essay writer online to do this task for you.
Imagine you worked hard to research and publish your paper, and you get to know that another researcher has already researched on that topic, and you are left with no novelty. How will it feel? That is why it is essential to find a gap in the literature to know what area is still under researched, which can be a novelty in your research.
In finding a gap in the literature, you may find multiple challenges such as handling a large amount of data, organizing information in a meaningful way, etc. Finding gaps from literature by a thorough study is not an easy task. Here are some tips and tricks to find gaps in easy ways.
- Try to select a topic and research literature related to the topic you like, this way; when write an essay for me you can maintain your interest and deeply understand the material in the literature.
- If you want to have a look at what the gap statement looks like, here is a tip. Search for a related article and find the gap statement in that article. Mostly, authors state their gap in the abstract or introduction. This way, you can get to know how you can develop your gap statement.
- Reading a complete article for all the collected articles is very time-consuming and complex; you can find a gap by searching discussion or future research in the article. In future research, the author already writes what is not included in that research that can be done in further research. This is the best way to find a gap. Most of the time, this information is provided with the statement of 'more research needed.
- Also, after skimming articles related to your topic, you can brainstorm what can be added to your research which the author had not included in that article. You can search keywords that you think are an appropriate gap for your research, this way; you can find if any research on the same gap is available or not.
- You can use organizational charts and diagrams to know the concept or findings of the article, which can help you to skim the relevant information for you.
- Reading the article's last lines will be beneficial because most of the time, the writer includes a thesis statement or the purpose of the study at the end of the introduction.
- Skim the methodology part to determine the methods used by multiple studies regarding your topic, selecting a new or different research method can also be a research gap. You can take help from professional essay writing service providers to reduce your burden of enormous study.
- Mostly, students get confused about the vast number of articles which they should select and review. It is the best way to choose the latest articles to find a gap. This way, you can get to know the latest gap options.
- To select a reliable gap, it is essential to first identify its usefulness because a useless or vague gap can destroy your research effort.
- To select an appropriate gap among multiple alternatives, making a gap table will be a helpful tool. Make a table in which you organize gaps based on their topic and missing information. After making a table, you can select the most relevant and useful gap for your research.